Twitter is one of the most popular social networking sites to communicate with millions of people every day. Twitter是最流行的社交網站之一,以百萬計的人溝通,每一天。 One of the advantages of Tweeter is the possibility to personalize your account as you like.對高音的優點之一是個性化的可能性,因為你喜歡你的帳戶。 For this purpose you can design your own background.為此,你可以設計你自己的背景。 Backgrounds of some twitter accounts are truly masterpieces of design and samples of exquisite taste of their creator's.一些嘰嘰喳喳的帳戶,背景是真正的設計和精湛的品嘗樣品的創作者的作品的。
As a rule such backgrounds are developed by designers and designer studios.作為規則制定等背景的設計師和設計師工作室。 But if you do not have skills to create you own cool background – don't be upset.但是,如果你沒有技能,創造你自己的冷靜背景 - 不要被打破。 Many designers are taking orders for developing unique twitter backgrounds.許多設計師正在為開發獨特的嘰嘰喳喳背景訂單。 Individual twitter account will make a difference between the owner and thousands of other users, which contributes to his popularity and increase his followers.嘰嘰喳喳的帳戶將個人之間作出的所有者和其他數千名用戶,這有助于提高他的聲望和他的追隨者的區別。 In this post we've gathered a collection of 30 the most creative and stylish twitter backgrounds.在這個崗位我們已經收集了30個最有創意和時尚的集合嘰嘰喳喳背景。 This list is worth your attention for sure.這個名單肯定是值得你關注。
@bobbychandler @ bobbychandler
@imjustcreative @ imjustcreative
@miscellaneaarts @ miscellaneaarts
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